Awaken bravery. Embrace weird. Cultivate play.
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Ripley Blog

Check out the latest of Ripley Improv’s series, new show, special events, workshops, and thoughts by the Ripleys.

Ripley Gets More Official With New Series Poster!

Ripley Improv has now submitted to over eight festivals in multiple categories and we will continue submitting all fall. The series, As We Go Along, is becoming more and more official as all of the elements fall into place. Kimberly Van Ness designed the poster for the series, incorporating the tone of each episode into the poster. Quarantine is an intense thriller; Thanksgiving is a quirky comedy; and Troop Reunion is a love story. Just a reminder this series is completely improvised. Director Kelly Lohman and the design team knew the “suggestions” the actors were going to be given and prepared for the set, costumes, and hair/makeup. The actors new nothing and all lines and plot was completely improvised.

We are so grateful for Kim for capturing the magic of our experience in the new series poster!
